Monday, August 24, 2009

Taken Back To The Basics

We take so many things for granted in this world that we live in. After all....we're only human. After over a month away from my apartment, I return to find that hot water has fled. The transition from the turning of the faucet from the blue "C" to the red "H" is uniform. For once, I see these mere opposites as alikes. Opting to not shower in the icicles which fall from the showerhead, I revert back to the old times. Heating water in a pot so that I may feel some warmth. Carefully concocting a mixture of hot and cold water to find the perfect temperature. Soon enough, it has taken me twice as long to get through a simple shower.

Hot water...I express my gratitude to you. For being there to save me time; for being there to provide me warmth. You have been another small reminder to show appreciation and not take anything for granted.

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