Just a couple nights ago, I was blessed to have the most BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL experience ever....TWICE. A Night of Worship with Leeland and Phil Wickham. These incredible musicians stopped by Twin Falls, ID on April 18 and Idaho Falls, ID on April 19.
Both nights were equally amazing. I was almost brought to tears when Leeland, Phil Wickham, and Matt Maher opened up the show together. Their harmonizing voices during "How Great Thou Art" was the perfect way to start the night. The presence of the Spirit immediately filled the room. Their rendition of "Awake My Soul" brought everyone to their feet and opened up their hearts in preparation for a sincere night of worship.
I had never really listened to much of Matt Maher's music but I was immediately made a fan after seeing and hearing him perform live. His song "Alive Again" became an instant favorite. The singing of the crowd to "Your Grace Is Enough" could be heard from miles around. "Christ Is Risen" captured my heart with reminders that He is alive! "Hold Us Together" preached that love will hold us together and show us that we are not alone. Matt Maher is a fantastic musician!
Phil Wickham. There are no words to describe. He opened up his set with his power-packed song "Eden" and had everyone clapping and on their feet. His vocals during "Beautiful" brought me chills. Such an incredible musician! His voice is just so amazing live. He continued his set with poetic and mesmerizing songs like "Cannons," "Divine Romance," "Safe," and "True Love." Phil provided a nice blend of songs from his older albums and his latest album "Heaven and Earth." Every single song was performed beautifully. I hadn't listened much to "In Your City" but now it is a new favorite. Perhaps the most powerful and memorable part of Phil's set was when he performed the song "Cielo." AMAZING! The beauty of the lyrics and his voice was indescribable. "Cielo" is just an incredibly beautiful song and the effect it had on the crowd was amazing. With lyrics like "I can't sing loud enough when I'm singing for You my God," "I can't bow low enough at the vision of You my God," and "I can't lift my hands high enough when I'm reaching for You my God" how can one not be affected? It was the most wonderful sight to see every person in the church reacting to the lyrics...singing and worshipping as loud as they could, falling to their knees and bowing, lifting their hands as high as they could in order to reach God. I will never forget the feelings I had during this song. It is perhaps the most beautiful song performed live. Phil reminded me why I am so in love with his voice, his music, and, most importantly, the Lord.
Leeland. What a gifted guy and at such a young age! Leeland started his set off with "The Door" and reminded the crowd that Jesus is the only one for us. Most of the songs he performed were unfamiliar to me since I hadn't listened to much of his older songs. Familiar or not, his songs were performed with so much passion and tugged at my heart. "Count Me In." "Sounds of Melodies." "Tears of the Saints." "Beautiful Lord." "New Creation." I loved every song! The second most memorable part of the night came when Phil Wickham joined Leeland in singing "Follow You." It is such an incredible song and a great reminder as to what we are supposed to be doing...following Christ. Phil's vocals were the perfect addition to such a wonderful song. I loved seeing Leeland take a few minutes during their set to talk to the crowd about how much God sacrificed and how much He loves us. Leeland has so much passion for the Lord and a beautiful faith.
The night ended off just as it had begun...with all three musicians sharing the stage and lending their vocals to worship one last time. They continued with "Awake My Soul" and reminded us, one last time, that we were made to meet our Maker. I absolutely loved seeing the three of them perform that song and their rendition was awesome.
I didn't want the night to end....either nights. Powerful. Beautiful. Unforgettable. Indescribable. The Holy Spirit was present. I am just so grateful to have had the opportunity to see these magnificient musicians perform live. They are true instruments of God.