Friday, January 1, 2010


At the beginning of each year, people make resolutions...promises to themselves that they must try not to break. Those promises usually end up being broken and leave the promiser disappointed in themselves. Why should we set ourselves up for disappointment? These resolutions are meant to make us better individuals, not weaker.

Instead of resolutions, this year I will make reSOLUTIONS. These are merely SOLUTIONS to the problems I may face in the new year. I can turn to any of these reSOLUTIONS and find the answers to any hardships. If I stick to these, I can overcome any obstacle and become a stronger, better person.

1) Grow stronger in my FAITH.
2) Love more.
3) Live more.
4) Live life uninhibited...let go of fear!
5) Breathe deeper!

Happy 2010!!!


  1. sounds like some great solutions. how are they going thus far?

  2. Thanks. They're going great. Still working on number 4 but when I turn to number 1 I can have no fear. =]
