Monday, September 21, 2009

A Peaceful Birth

Today I celebrate 22 years of life. Today I also celebrate 22 years of peace. For this 21st of September symbolizes something much greater than my birth, it marks the International Day of Peace. Find out more here:

We live in a world filled with so much violence, hate, and discrimination. If, as humans, we are supposed to be of the highest intelligence, then why is it all we can think about is war? Is this what God has put us on this Earth to do? Fight and kill in order to prove who is the bigger and better man? Life should not be an ongoing competition. Too many people walk around with egos the size of a million football fields on their shoulders. Is it worth killing our own brothers and sisters for? Enough is enough.

I dare you to let go of your pride, at least for today. Celebrate peace and learn to forgive. Forgive those who have wronged you, for you too have been forgiven. Embrace the world and all who inhabit it. Celebrate this day as we put down our guns and listen to the silence that accompanies it. Who knows, peace may be just what we've been searching for. Incorporate peace into your everyday life. This is my challenge to you.


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