Wednesday, November 4, 2009

True Love

It was about a month before my most recent birthday that I realized I was truly missing something in my life. It turns out that something was God. Constantly being surrounded by friends that have a real relationship with Him made me realize that is what I desire.

I had lived almost 22 years of a blessed life without ever really acknowledging the greatness of our Heavenly Father. How could I have been so blind? I selfishly accepted all the blessings but never gave Him anything in return. He sacrificed His world and His everything for my existence. He presented challenges and personal battles in order to make me a stronger person. He gave me His love and attention while I ignored Him. He never counted me out while I went against His will. I was never given up on even when I gave up on myself. His love and faith in me never died.

"Since my epiphany, I have been on a wholehearted journey to reach You. It has been amazing! I have enjoyed nothing more than letting You in my heart. All my trust, faith, and love I surrender completely. Each day I see the beauty that surrounds me and I fall even more in love with You. You represent true beauty and grace! This is just the start of an extraordinary journey and I look forward to continuing it with You by my side. I want to live with a good and open heart. I want to understand everything about You so that I can gratefully accept all that You send my way. You are who I live for and strive to please. 'Forever my heart will sing of how great You are.'"

I leave you, my lovely reader, with my favorite performance of a song conveniently titled "True Love." This journey to finding God has led me to stumble upon this very gifted Christian musician by the name of Phil Wickham. I have been hooked for the past couple months! If you are not familiar with him, I sincerely urge you to listen; however, he is not everyone's cup of tea because of the type of music he sings. Just listen with an open heart and mind and be transformed. His passion and emotion in this performance is breathtaking! Oh and a little plug for Phil..."Heaven and Earth" releases on Nov. 17. It is an INCREDIBLE and BEAUTIFUL album! convinced me...I'll leave you with one more video. Here is a painfully gorgeous song titled "Heaven's Song." It is just one of the many amazing songs off his newest album. Enjoy!

Love and Blessings!

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